Monday, September 21, 2015

Week 65

This week so many things went wrong, but we are still happy and working hard. Baptismal dates fell, out of the 10 people who committed to go to church nobody came, our 3 most positive investigators all broke the word of wisdom and won't be able to be baptized for at least another month, a couple elders had to get sent home, and a million other things. 

Sunday afternoon I got back into my area (we were on divisions) and my comp and I were just down, but we said a prayer and said Satan was working hard but we were going to work harder. We went out and gave it our all Sunday, and at the end of the day went over our week. We made some goals of things we could do better, but realized that we had given it our all, and for whatever reason some things hadn't worked out. We said a prayer to finish our little weekly review and we both just felt peace and animated, knowing that we had given our all. It was an awesome manifestation of the spirit that I'll never forget. 

Other than that, this week was pretty normal. I got to work with the assistants one day, it was really awesome and I learned a lot. Ate a lot of spaghetti... that's pretty much all I can think of. 

Super happy to be here, hope everyone is doing great!
Elder Davis

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